Monday 9 June, 2008


It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon. I was practicing for my driving test, a friend of mine instructing me. I was taking a left turn entering a parking lot. And I saw it. From my left a wall of dust was fast approaching me. It was hardly 50 yards away. I had just entered the parking lot when it devoured us. The whole world around me went dark and dusty. I was unable to see. Only thing I realized was that I was in the wrong lane and could be heading directly toward any car coming out of the lot. I just got glimpses of a vacant space and I parked.

The dust cloud passed us in less than a minute. Everything was clear now and I could see broken branches of trees frantically flying with the wind. It was raining insanely. Everyone else in the lot were equally shocked as us, hurrying toward their cars. We decided to switch places so that my friend can take control of the steering wheel. And I opened the door to get out of the car. Oh boy..... the door was just banged open by the wind. I was feeling the push of wind. By the time I entered from he other door of the car I had realized, this was no ordinary hail storm I had seen so far. And then we heard the sirens ranting. It was confirmed ... this was a tornado...

We took the shortest possible road to my home. Nothing really happened after that. the tornado passed as quickly as it came. It did scared us a bit. But the experience was thrilling. Next time, I want to be ready with my camera.

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