Saturday 21 June, 2008

Not so incredible Hulk

Today for the first time after coming to United States, i saw a movie in a movie hall. Not that I don't like movies but I did not have easy access to a car (and there is no direct bus route to the hall ;-) ) until very recently.

Hulk - The Incredible, the name itself tells you what to expect. It has some good graphics. Creature(s) jump around New York city, causing losses worth a billion dollars. It also has a some ridiculously unbelievable, typical sci-fi stuff (e.g. cells turning from green to red and then green again) which can be passed as "visualization" of script-writer's ideas. On the whole it is an OK movie if you want to enjoy a nice Friday evening with friends. But incredible..... well thats a bit too much. Do watch it though if you have nothing constructive to do...


Ashish said...

You better stay clear of The Iron Man then... ;)

SEV said...

Its a movie about a guy who becomes a big green monster, and then smashes things. Another guy wants to become just like him, and decided to fight the first guy.
Where in all of this would you find the germs of Schindler's List ?

I think you missed the words 'comic book' movie at the start.