Friday 21 November, 2008

Passing the parcel

I am going to do an experiment when I get some free time this weekend. I am posting this in advance just to see if someone has done it already and know what happens in the situation...

Most email clients do allow forwarding email to another email id. Here is a plan to cause Denial of Service (DoS) without having to do anything "illegal". I have two email ids say A and B. I configure A to forward all email to B and I configure B to configure all email to A. Now what happens when the next email comes in ?

Consider a different scenario. In addition to email forwarding gmail also allow sending email using a different email id (if u have valid credentials ofc). Now Both A and B use C to send email. That way any email coming out of them would actually claime to be coming from C. If we configure them as in case I, is there any way for them to detect the loop ?. I am sure protocol engineers must have done something to avoid this. But still this is worth experimenting. If you know how these scenarios are handled please let me know. It may save me some time (or drive me in devising a different plan)

1 comment:

Ashish said...

Are you jobless ? Or something ?